Saturday, April 19, 2008

Your Internal Alarm Clock

Most people have had the experience at least one time in their life of knowing they have to wake up at a certain time the next morning, and then finding that they wake up at exactly that time without an alarm clock.

By the time we are in our teens, we have gone through the cycles of sleep at least 5,000 times. It is no wonder then that our bodies and minds are well accustomed to those cycles, and that the mind can in some way influence those sleep cycles.

One thing I am experimenting with is refining my mind's ability to command myself to wake up at a certain time without the aid of an external alarm. Having this ability will be extremely helpful when using WILD or WBTB techniques that require waking up at certain intervals during the sleep cycles (at which time you will set your intentions for lucid dreaming and attempt conscious re-entry).

Basically at the beginning of the night, as I close my eyes to go to sleep, in addition to affirmations that focus on my resolve to experience my sleep states consciously, I have been setting very specific times that I wish to wake up at.


"I will wake up at 3:30AM"

I have just started a focused effort to master my internal alarm clock, so I don't have any consistent results to report. I often wake up in the middle of the night when I set those intentions, but I will be keeping track over the next few weeks to see what happens.

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