Saturday, November 29, 2008

Inconsistent Lucidity

One thing that I have noticed (with much frustration) is that the lucidity that I sometimes have in dreams seems to be in very short supply, and comes to me at the most random times.

Even though I practice induction techniques during the day, read books and websites about lucid dreaming and practice induction techniques as I go to sleep each night, I have not as yet found the perfect way for me to consistently have lucid dreams, as is my goal.

I know the problem is not that I am not dreaming, as I can generally recall at least one dream each night with no problem; these dreams have an average intensity of about a 5 out of 10, so there is no shortage of content within which for me to "wake up" and become lucid.

There just seems to be a part of my mind that is completely oblivious to my quest for consistent lucidity, and I determined to figure out how to train that part of my mind to work in my favor.

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